Hi, I'm Philip

I am a Rice University student from Taiwan majoring in CS & archi. My passion lies in building things, applying knowledge and leadership to make things happen. I have worked in software & data engineering, and hope to use my experience to do greater things in the future. Welcome and feel free to contact me - check out my work section as well!



A bit more about myself

I'm really interested in computer vision, especially with the rise of deep learning and generative language-integrated models. I also like AgTech. Aside from work, I love photography, playing piano, composing music, playing table tennis, gardening, and being out in nature.


Things I did

I've done many projects in and out of school. I have experience with training many types of ML models including deep neural networks, writing my own programming language from scratch, and have had internships in software. Below is a list of more things I've worked on recently.

Data Engineering Internship, Summer 2022

I interned in the Data Platforms team at CyberCube, based San Francisco that is a leader in cyber analytics for the insurance industry. I had the opportunity to use Spark to process big datasets and contributed to existing pipelines that the company uses.
Visit their website

Orbex Logo
Orbex Labs
Software Development Internship, Spring 2022

I worked on their Cyclops project. I used Django to code the backend of the application. I became familiar with microservices, Docker, deploying onto cloud platforms, and best practices. Dale is a cool mentor. Thinking back, I regret not getting the most out of this job; unfortunately I opted to prioritize school.
Visit their website (hopefully still exists)

PiggyCanvas screenshot
Web Development, Spring 2023

PiggyCanvas is a simplistic interactive web app where users can draw pigs on the canvas and broadcast pig-drawing data to all users using Node.js and Socket.IO. Feel free to check out the code on Github, there may or may not be a demo in the README.
Github Link

Game Development, 2021

Redman is a silly fighting game where the player fights countless enemies. I designed it from scratch using Godot, as well as the visuals and music. I focused on making the enemies act naturally. The player also locks on to the nearest enemy for better controls.
Play Game

Pathfinding Simulation
Pathfinding Visual Simulator
Coding Project, 2021

Pathfinding algorithms are cool so I visualized them. This simulation visualizes B/DFS, Dijkstra, A* and can draw paths slowly for better visualization. I wrote my own simple graph class and UI with the help of Godot, and coded in 4 different pathfinding algorithms.
Play Simulator

Subtle Taiwanese Traits
Subtle Taiwanese Traits
Social Media Organization & Leadership, 2019 - Present

I made one of the largest Taiwanese, English-speaking online social media groups ever with the help of some friends. I always felt disconnected from my culture after being in the US for many years, so I decided to get everyone together. We were covered by The News Lens, as well as collaborated with 舊振南 during Moon Festival in 2020.

Creative Works and More
Art and Design, 1999 - Present

I've always liked to make things. At my peak of "artsiness", I even did oil paintings. Check out my Instagram art account for my most recent photography and art. Check out my Musescore account for a couple of my music compositions.

Reach out

Message me on LinkedIn!